Wednesday, September 26, 2007

He looks like a model . . .

When my family was here to visit, our friend, who was my wedding photographer, took Caitlyn's Senior pictures. I showed up with both boys fresh from bed to offer support. Cori started snapping pictures of Trenton too. Isn't this one precious?? You can't even tell he's in PJs right? :-) I made an 8x10 of it I loved it so much.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Playtime at the Park

We took the boys to the park by our new house and had a blast!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Brotherly Love

Trenton, once again, kept asking to hold Sawyer. This time we let him do it on his own because Sawyer was swaddled and couldn't flail about. Trenton was so sweet! He sat there calmly for five minutes or so just holding his brother. The only reason it ended is because I picked him back up; I think Trenton would have stayed there with his brother forever! He adores Sawyer now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Daddy's Shoes

Trenton amazes me with how well he occupies himself and finds creative things to play. His new favorite spot is the window seat by the front door in the condo. He climbs up there even if it means climbing OVER the toy bin to get there. Landon and I also keep our shoes in a basket on this ledge. Here's what happens when you mix Trenton and a basket of shoes . . .

The Newspaper

Trenton has seen us read the paper with breakfast so many times that now he asks for a piece of the paper in the morning! Here he is "reading" the sports page and drinking his milk. He takes it very seriously :-)

Baby Brother

Trenton kept reaching for Sawyer the other night while Landon was holding him, so we sat him on the couch and let him "hold" his brother for a bit. It was adorable!! He already cares so much for Sawyer, whether that means giving him his paci or rocking his car seat when he starts fussing or poking him in the face while he's eating :-) It makes me eager to see their relationship develop as Sawyer grows.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, here are my attempts to take a picture of the two boys together! After these 3, Trenton started fussing because he was sick of me pushing him back down to sit by Sawyer. He wanted to grab the camera or give Sawyer his paci or jump off the bed. All in all, they turned out cute and good for a laugh even if they aren't the traditional "look at the camera and smile" pose!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Trenton's First Football Game

Landon has a student in ninth grade and we've become good friends with her parents. On Wednesday, we went to one of the junior high football games to see her cheer. I was worried about bringing Trenton because I thought one of us was going to have to chase him around since there was no way he would sit still for long. Boy did he surprise me! He sat on the bleachers for an entire hour watching the game!!! He clapped and waved his hands in the air whenever the crowd cheered, and he kept pointing at the field and saying "oooh." It was amazing to see how interested he was in the sport; it must be genetic :-)