Friday, August 17, 2007

Trenton's Week with the Kemp Family

Trenton remembered Mimi and Pops right away and all week enjoyed reaching out for them or running into their arms. It was a fun week for him, as he got to read books and play with them and also show them his wild side :-) Despite having a new brother who got lots of attention, Trenton was still able to steal the limelight plenty. By the end of the vacation, he was so attached to everyone that he sobbed, pointing out the window, when we dropped Caitlyn and Aaron off at the airport! It was heartbreaking. We all miss them terribly.

Our Attempt at a Family Picture

We had already taken a bunch of group shots, and Trenton was done with the whole smiling for the camera thing! All he cared about was his shoe. . . and then he got Sawyer in on the mischief somehow. They must already be communicating as brothers! Notice the fist to block dad's face :-)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Grandpa's Beans

Trenton, once again, tries to use the silverware! He always does well with the clean stuff - hot dogs and fruit - and then gives up on the real "saucy" items - spaghetti and baked beans. I couldn't help taking more pictures :-)

Quality Time with Dad

Trenton is having to adjust to a little brother around now so Landon and I have each taken him on a date and tried to give him some individual attention. In this case, Landon was watching an episode of Friends and Trenton went and sat in the umbrella chair right by him. He sat there for longer than I have ever seen him sit still!! And he kept laughing and clapping at the show like he understood what was going on. It was cute to see him seek out Landon and mimic what he was doing.