Monday, January 29, 2007

Visiting Family

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to visit Uncle Ed and Aunt Dorothy and their dogs Ruby and Reilly from Minnesota. Trenton got all dressed up for the occasion so dad kept calling him GQ :-) Then Aunt Dorothy gave Trenton a bus that moves with a driver and kids in the back. He loved it, but so did Reilly!! So they played together sharing the little people; it was really cute.


Trenton tried to eat a snack from a bowl while sitting on dad's lap . . . it didn't quite work out how I planned :-) They ended up all over him and dad. Not that Trenton minded, he just picked them off the clothes to eat!

Dance Dance Revolution

These aren't the most clear videos, but they're really funny! I was watching Step Up and the opening credits play music. Trenton was eating dinner and all of a sudden started dancing to the music.

Trip to the Snow

My friend Kristal and I took the kids up to Williams, AZ to visit Central's youth group (and our husbands!!) at Winter Camp. It was so cold and snowy, but it was really fun. Thank goodness, Trenton has just gotten a hat and mittens from cousin Savannah while we were in Idaho. They came in handy :-) At one point, it was so cold after lunch that I put Trenton in his stroller, wrapped him like a burrito, and RAN to our room. Later, Landon told me that he and a co-leader were across the camp and saw me and started laughing! It was a little embarrassing to hear, but at least we got back to the warmth sooner, right?? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Beautiful Rainbow

Landon and Trenton stood outside while it sprinkled and looked at the rainbow in the sky.

The Lemon

Someone in Idaho gave Trenton a lemon just to see the faces. Well, we definitely got some funny faces, but then he shocked us all by continuing to eat. He sucked the rind almost dry! We were all in tears, it was so hysterical!

Playground Poses

I took Trenton to a playground for the picture in our Christmas letter. I'm sure a lot of you have seen the bottom one, but a couple others turned out really cute! Notice the sweater again :-)

New Shoes

Up to this point, I haven't worried about putting shoes on Trenton because he wasn't walking anywhere. In December, I finally broke down and bought his first pair. He's owned shoes before, but never worn them for very long! I was especially excited because we had a Christmas dinner to go to as a family and as a gift, each family got a portrait taken. I picked out this adorable outfit (which, ended up stained), and then forgot the shoes at home! So, I made Amber drive back to my house with me to get them :-) And then they didn't show in the family picture anyway!! Well, here's a couple of pictures I took when we got home before he went to bed . . .