Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Our Family is about to change . . .

Well, tomorrow is July 26th and at any time during the day the hospital will call me in to have Sawyer. I'm feeling pretty emotional about it. On one hand, I will be thrilled to finally meet him and see what he looks like and how similar or different from Trenton he is. On the other hand, I am sentimental about the special times I've had with Trenton and the family Landon, he, and I have become. Tomorrow we will be a different family! There's going to be a new person to love and include in all the jokes and activities that Trenton previously occupied alone. I guess I'm almost sad that my alone time with Trenton has ended. I'm sure this is normal, and I'll hardly remember what I'm saying here when I face our new little boy for the first time. Anyway, all of these thoughts prompted me to meet Landon at work today and take some last family pictures before Sawyer is born. I look at them and just marvel at how old Trenton is and what a cute little boy he has become. He's going to be able to teach his little brother so many wonderful things, like how to use a stick as a sword and how to run from mommy when she's trying to clean you up! Our life is about to change, and so is Trenton D's. I hope he's ready. . . then again, I'm not sure I am :-)

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