Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fourth of July

On July 4th, Landon had to work at Central's large fireworks festival so he was gone from 2pm until 11pm. Trenton and I went to Andersons for a family barbecue instead of braving the heat and the crowds at church, especially since Landon was in the food court working most of the night. We had such an enjoyable time! I got to hold Trenton's new cousin Isaac for the first time. This was also the first time that Trenton seemed curious. When they walked in and set the carseat on the floor, he crouched down by it and just studied Isaac. It was precious and also good practice for him! :-) The girls sat inside at the table chatting while the boys swam and grilled out back. Then after eating, Lita and Grandpa took Trenton for a swim.

His favorite part, though, was filling the rubber ball with water and squirting Grandpa with it!

Then, without even meaning to, we timed our drive home perfectly with Central's fireworks display. I took Brown Road, which is almost directly in line with the church, and we could see the entire show through our windshield while we drove. Trenton was mesmerized. There were a bunch of cars stopped all along the side of Brown to watch, but I didn't want to do it while I was alone. We were just happy to be able to see some fireworks that night!!

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