Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Trenton is becoming a ham like his father and loves to smile for the camera! It's such a cute, toothy grin; I love it.

A New Game

Landon was looking for one of Trenton's pool toys, so he lifted up the lid to the skimmer. Somebody was watching :-) Now Trenton thinks it's fun to peer in there as well. And out of this a new game was born . . . leave it to Landon to come up with this one. He and Trenton are two peas in a pod.

Swimming with Dad

Here's a video of Trenton showing off his Aquatots skills. He loves to kick, monkey walk on the edge, and climb out of the pool, which are all things we learned in swim lessons. I'm so glad he is comfortable in the water.

Little Monkey

Trenton really is a monkey with the way he climbs things and jumps around like a wild chimp! :-) But now he actually has a little monkey. I bought a harness at Target that is a monkey backpack with straps to go around his chest and the tail is like a leash. It sounds awful to have your kids on a leash, but with two now, this will be great if we're walking around a park or the zoo or the mall because it will allow him the independence to walk without getting away from me. Plus, any hesitation I had about it is now gone. He loves it!! As you can see above, as soon as we put it on him, he started running around screaming with laughter. He loved the fact that Landon had him by the "tail" and would pull him back every now and then so he'd bump right on his butt. At one point, he ran into Lita's room and shut the door on Landon, but his tail was sticking out. Landon grabbed it and heard Trenton try to run away from the door and then fall back because he was caught. He thought it was hysterical!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm Not Sure Trenton is Ready to Share!

"Mommy, look what I found to play in . . .

" So, my feet hang over the edge . . . I can still pull on the cute animals and listen to the music. Who says you have to be comfortable while you play?"

"There, now they fit! :-)"

And this mischievious grin says it all, "Sawyer who? This is my toy!"

Our Family is about to change . . .

Well, tomorrow is July 26th and at any time during the day the hospital will call me in to have Sawyer. I'm feeling pretty emotional about it. On one hand, I will be thrilled to finally meet him and see what he looks like and how similar or different from Trenton he is. On the other hand, I am sentimental about the special times I've had with Trenton and the family Landon, he, and I have become. Tomorrow we will be a different family! There's going to be a new person to love and include in all the jokes and activities that Trenton previously occupied alone. I guess I'm almost sad that my alone time with Trenton has ended. I'm sure this is normal, and I'll hardly remember what I'm saying here when I face our new little boy for the first time. Anyway, all of these thoughts prompted me to meet Landon at work today and take some last family pictures before Sawyer is born. I look at them and just marvel at how old Trenton is and what a cute little boy he has become. He's going to be able to teach his little brother so many wonderful things, like how to use a stick as a sword and how to run from mommy when she's trying to clean you up! Our life is about to change, and so is Trenton D's. I hope he's ready. . . then again, I'm not sure I am :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fourth of July

On July 4th, Landon had to work at Central's large fireworks festival so he was gone from 2pm until 11pm. Trenton and I went to Andersons for a family barbecue instead of braving the heat and the crowds at church, especially since Landon was in the food court working most of the night. We had such an enjoyable time! I got to hold Trenton's new cousin Isaac for the first time. This was also the first time that Trenton seemed curious. When they walked in and set the carseat on the floor, he crouched down by it and just studied Isaac. It was precious and also good practice for him! :-) The girls sat inside at the table chatting while the boys swam and grilled out back. Then after eating, Lita and Grandpa took Trenton for a swim.

His favorite part, though, was filling the rubber ball with water and squirting Grandpa with it!

Then, without even meaning to, we timed our drive home perfectly with Central's fireworks display. I took Brown Road, which is almost directly in line with the church, and we could see the entire show through our windshield while we drove. Trenton was mesmerized. There were a bunch of cars stopped all along the side of Brown to watch, but I didn't want to do it while I was alone. We were just happy to be able to see some fireworks that night!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Souvenir from Lita and Grandpa

Lita and Grandpa just got back from Italy and this is the shirt they brought Trenton from Florence; it's adorable! It says "90% Angelo 10% Demonio"

It was hard trying to get a good picture of the shirt because he kept wanting to lay on my lap (not that I'm complaining since he never cuddles!) or run towards the camera (below).

The best part of putting his new shirt on: he kept pulling it out so he could see the front and laughing! He would point at the pictures and look up at me laughing, like he got the joke too. Or maybe he's laughing because they credited him for 90% angel :-)

Spaghetti Face

Trenton has been trying to figure out this whole spoon and fork thing and he does pretty well usually. That is until this meal of shells in spaghetti sauce and watermelon! He would get it on the spoon and then on the way to his mouth, tip it right off into his lap. Eventually, he started doing half spoon, half "fistful of food" to the mouth and this is the result . . .

At the end, I just dumped him in the shower clothes and all to start the clean up process. He thought it was a blast, of course :-)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Cereal Monster

I was in the bedroom and heard a rustling. When I came out, Trenton had climbed on the chair to reach the box of cereal from that morning and was calmly sitting there eating a snack. When he reached in for some cereal, his whole arm disappeared! I guess he knows how to take care of himself when he wants a snack now :-)

Here's a picture of his squinty-eyed grin and mouthful of food when he realized I was watching him.