Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Figuring this whole thing out...

Well, my new friend Kristal who just moved to AZ from CA with her husband and daughter showed me how to blog. I figured it's much easier that emailing pictures of Trenton, since now you guys can just get online and see the MANY new ones I am constantly taking :) I don't want to clog up your inbox!! Plus, now that I'm a stay at home mom I have the time to do this right?! Check back whenever and I'll make sure I keep up with the details so you feel like you're watching Trenton grow right along with Landon and me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

danille! trenton is sooo adorable!!! he has grown so much and is turning into such a lil cutie i miss u andcant wait to see u soon! we love u,
savannah and family