Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Everything's Changing

Things were getting complicated with two blogs, so I decided to change to a blog about both boys. The new address is http://www.andersonheroes.blogspot.com/
This blog will stay as it is so I can go back and look at old pictures to reminisce :-) Enjoy the new look!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

R rated

So, I was going to put this on here, tell a few people it was there for a good laugh, and erase it. Then Landon said not to be so worrywart about it, so for now it's staying. . . but you've been warned :-)

Basically, Trenton has been babbling for awhile now and playing with different combinations of syllables. As the previous video showed, he says mom, dad, truck, bus, five, eight, nine, anne, wow, and please. Well, he also says fff for football. Then somehow in his mind, he realized there was another combination he hadn't tried! On Tuesday, Landon sent me out for some alone time. On my way home, he sent me a text that said "FYI, Trenton now says the F word." When I got home, sure enough, he was saying it pretty clearly! I know it's an AWFUL word, but how can you not laugh spontaneously, whether you want to or not, when you hear this precious two year old say something that he doesn't even know he's saying! So, I took the video, whether I'm a bad mom or not, because I wanted to be able to look back at this and actually see it instead of just trying to remember how it happened. There you go. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Here's an update on the words Trenton can say. Yes, I am a proud mother :-) But hey, how else am I going to remember all these special moments when he's grown and left the house?!?! (By the way, the video starts out right away with his version of truck. You have to be ready to listen to catch it!)

Cheerio Morning

Here's Trenton at a normal breakfast, only this time he decided Private Penguin was hungry too! He was doing it on his own, but of course as soon as the camera came out he stopped. I had to ask him to do it for me, but it was still cute to see him treat Private as a real friend :-)

Everything has its place

After putting Trenton to bed one night, I walked to the playroom and found this by the door . . .

It always makes me smile to find evidence of his creative mind at work. I just had to take a picture so I can look back and laugh at how Trenton loved to line things up, whether toys, food, or mom's tupperware!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Trenton SPEAKS!

The other day, after counting fish with Trenton, he suddenly said two of the numbers. He really loves numbers; he always points them out on signs or toys and wants us to tell him the number. Well, I guess it worked because now he says the numbers 9 and 5. The funny part - that's the number of Lightning McQueen!! I guess he really does pay attention to that movie.

This one is more funny than a real word, but it did start somewehere. I told him the oven was hot and he said "ot" and I got all excited and started jumping up and down. He thought this was hysterical! He screamed with laughter and kept saying it to get my reaction. Only, with his emphasis, it then came out as "ot - tuh." I took it for hot anyway :-)

And here he is sick of me asking him to repeat hot so he decides to leave . . .


I'm not all that into Halloween, but with kids it is fun to dress them up. Lita bought Trenton a costume and I had a hat from Trenton that I put on Sawyer. Landon had to work so I took the kids to Lita and Grandpa's house to hand out candy.

Birthday Party

Trenton turned two. Unbelievable! Here's a slideshow of his party. We had a good night eating a sub sandwich and playing at the park. Although, he was a stinker and wouldn't pose or smile for the camera all night!! He did have a blast, even if it doesn't show, especially since everytime I turned around someone else was giving him a piece of cake :-)

Catch Up - Be prepared, it's a lot!

Yea, I am finally back on the internet! Here's a couple of pictures of Trenton I took recently just for the heck of it. He's in a new stage of expressions - he always purses his lips and looks at you out of the corner of his eye. It's hysterical, but very hard to capture on camera because it's so spontaneous. I also love to tell him to close his eyes because he looks at the ceiling, but his eyes are still wide open :-)

Trenton is also becoming more and more independent. If there is any sort of cup or bottle (even Sawyer's bottles!) within his reach on the counter, he will grab it to get his own drink when he's thirsty.

This is a funny couple videos - Landon had just set up surround sound and put on Disney's cars to surprise Trenton. He LOVED it on the big TV with the sound coming out of all the speakers. He had to keep pointing it out to us like, do you see this?!?! Then when the "Life is a Highway" song came on, he just went nuts dancing :-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

He looks like a model . . .

When my family was here to visit, our friend, who was my wedding photographer, took Caitlyn's Senior pictures. I showed up with both boys fresh from bed to offer support. Cori started snapping pictures of Trenton too. Isn't this one precious?? You can't even tell he's in PJs right? :-) I made an 8x10 of it I loved it so much.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Playtime at the Park

We took the boys to the park by our new house and had a blast!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Brotherly Love

Trenton, once again, kept asking to hold Sawyer. This time we let him do it on his own because Sawyer was swaddled and couldn't flail about. Trenton was so sweet! He sat there calmly for five minutes or so just holding his brother. The only reason it ended is because I picked him back up; I think Trenton would have stayed there with his brother forever! He adores Sawyer now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Daddy's Shoes

Trenton amazes me with how well he occupies himself and finds creative things to play. His new favorite spot is the window seat by the front door in the condo. He climbs up there even if it means climbing OVER the toy bin to get there. Landon and I also keep our shoes in a basket on this ledge. Here's what happens when you mix Trenton and a basket of shoes . . .

The Newspaper

Trenton has seen us read the paper with breakfast so many times that now he asks for a piece of the paper in the morning! Here he is "reading" the sports page and drinking his milk. He takes it very seriously :-)